Mardi Gras in the Marigny: Mardi Gras House Decorating Contest
King cakes are at the stores and parade schedules are out so that means it's time for our Marigny Mardi Gras House Decorating Contest. This is our fifth year sponsoring the contest and we hope you will decorate your house. We want to welcome family, friends, visitors and all the downtown Mardi Gras Krewes to the Maigny and what better way than to decorate our homes. It can be simple or simply spectacular! A "House Float" or just a wreath or flag.
We will be awarding prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners as well as some honarable mentions. Any house or business is eligible to win. The more creative or unique the better. Want to nomniate a house. Let us know! info@faubourgmarigny.org
Judging will take place on the weekend before Mardi Gras, February 28th through Mardh 1st. Decorate a little or a lot, have fun and you could win a prize. Winners will be announced on our website and also posted on our email newsletter. Have a Happy Mardi Gras!