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Blight and Code Enforcement Updates

The FMIA Blight/Code Enforcement Committee shares updates, ideas, important letters, and other content to help our neighbors stay informed and get involved.  


  • November 08, 2023 8:45 PM | Kip Hollar (Administrator)

    Thanks to the collective efforts of several neighbors, the cleanup has finally occurred on the corner lot located at the intersection of Franklin and Dauphine.  We do not know what the future brings, but for now, all we can do is thank everyone that played a role and Councilmember King for their efforts to hold the property owner accountable through Code Enforcement.  With Code Enforcement now its own standalone department, we are even more optimistic about future interventions.

    Special thanks and acknowledgement to Mat Schwarzman.

  • January 25, 2021 8:10 PM | Anonymous

    We love our Marigny neighborhood full of beautiful, historic homes and businesses. But we all know that caring for older properties is challenging, especially in a city built on water, surrounded by water, and inhabited by bugs that eat our wood and refresh from the groundswell. And when a building's general maintenance is deferred or neglected, it can fall into disrepair. A simple dripping leak can become a monster project in a matter of time. And in New Orleans, major neglect of a property with our rain, humidity, and heat, means trouble. Unfortunately we've seen this first hand in our neighborhood, and are attempting to bring to light a short list of properties that have been nominated as neighborhood blight. Our definition of blight is a property that is in danger of collapse and/or has become a health or safety hazard. If you would like to nominate a property for our attention, please email Feel free to attend any of our monthly meetings to get updates on properties currently on our list. 

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