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Mardi Gras Recycling

February 10, 2023 10:39 AM | Deborah Oppenheim (Administrator)

It's the season to have a good time which means lots of street activities. This year on the parade route Glass Half Full and Glassroots are partnering with the City and a number of of local non-profits to make Mardi Grass more eco-friendly. During the first and second weekend of Mardi Gras (February 11th & 12th and February 18th & 19th), we will be providing recycling for glass, bead and aluminum cans.

 The Hub locations are:

Sacred Heart Academy – St. Charles Ave & Napoleon Ave

New Orleans & Company – St. Charles Ave & Josephine St

Greater New Orleans Foundation – St. Charles Ave & Harmony Circle

Gallier Hall – St. Charles Ave & Lafayette St

You’re welcome to come recycle your glass, beads, and cans at these hubs from 10 am to 4 pm.


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