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Bring Your Reusable Bags

April 26, 2021 3:44 PM | Deborah Oppenheim (Administrator)

One of the easiest thing we can do is to bring your own bag(s)to the grocery store. The positive impact of skipping plastic bags is huge. American use 100 billion plastic bags a year which require 12 million barrels of oil to manufacture. The average American family takes home almost 1,500 plastic shopping bags a year. Plastic bags are used for an average of every 12 minutes.

THINK about this! It takes 500 or more years for a plastic bag to degrade in a landfill. If someone shops  from 18 years old until they are 88 years old, they will save 350,000 bags. It is never too late to start brining your reusable bags to the grocery store and you are helping our environment.


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