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French Quarter Festival - Geaux Green

April 20, 2022 6:41 PM | Deborah Oppenheim (Administrator)

Marigny Green News

French Quarter Fest “Geauxing Green”

French Quarter Festival returns tomorrow. It is known for the all the food and beverage choices besides an incredible line-up of music. This year the four-day festival has focused on a new program called “Geauxing Green” to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in the waterways. Geauxing Green is through a partnership with the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program.

The festival vendors are using reusable, recyclable and compostable food and drink container and utensils. According to Kenneth Spears, the food and beverage director the good of the French Quarter Festivals Inc. is to reduce their waste footprint by 80%. The vendors will use dishes that are made of fiber or compostable paper. Utensils are made from sugar cane and bamboo. All the cups are made with recyclable plastic. The beverage booths will not offer straws. There are two exceptions, New Orleans Original Daiquiris and Pat O’Brien’s booths will have recyclable straws. According to Spears the event will have various sorting stations around the grounds for each “stream” of recycling and compositing. There will be a crew of volunteers, called the Green Team will be available to assist the festivalgoers. It is up to the public to dispose their dishes and beverages in the correct containers. Glass Half Full, New Orleans local glass recycling program is a partner to recycle wine and liquor bottles for the French Quarter Festival.

Enjoy the French Quarter Festival and recycle, reuse and compost!


  • April 21, 2022 9:51 AM | Deleted user
    Great news that an iconic New Orleans event is doing its part to 'go green'. Now if only more of them would, it would truly be 'a wonderful world'.
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